Saturday, February 19, 2011

Revolution in Danger

The Egyptian revolution is in danger! Millions took to the streets on Jan 25 and, in 18 days, were successful in forcing Mubarak out. But is he really out?

The answer is no! Mubarak might be in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, but the government is operating just as if he never left!

Ahmad Shafik, the Prime Minister chosen by Mubarak in his last days of rule, is still pm. He is a student of the Mubarak regime and is unlikely to go against the old man's wishes.

This might explain who until this day, Egyptian authorities have made no official requests to foreign governments regarding freezing Mubarak's dispersed wealth. Or, I should correctly say, the Egyptian people's wealth, stolen by the Mubaraks!

If Egyptians want concrete changes, then Mubark has to really leave! This means all of his servants have to leave the government.

When Mubarak stepped down on Feb. 11th, the very next day, Egyptian youth everywhere, took to the streets with detergents and paint, intent on purifying the streets from the traces of the Mubarak era.

It is time to purify the government from the very same poisonous traces that are threatening the success of the Egyptian revolution!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome to my new blog

Jan 25 was a historic day for Egyptians everywhere. This was the day our Egyptian brothers and sisters broke away from fear of former president Hosni Mubarak's regime. Through the use of social media, specifically Facebook and Twitter, a pro-democracy revolution was born and over a period of 18 days, Egyptian men and women endured police brutality and violence and the world watched these peaceful protesters as they maintained their strength, courage and "silmeya," or peacefulness. 

Egyptians forced Mubarak to step down on February 11, 2011.

Like many of my fellow Egyptians, this was the happiest and proudest day of my life. This was the day I decided to create a new blog to share my thoughts on topics that I am most passionate about: Egypt, the Middle East and Media Representation.

So welcome to my new blog, Tahrir Square. The name itself was inspired by Egyptian demonstrations, which came to be know by Tahrir, or Liberty square, the downtown Cairo square, where millions stood for 18 days chanting slogans and calling for the fall of Mubarak's regime.

The views on this blog are my personal views as an Egyptian American Muslim female, a former journalist, a current journalism professor, a mother, a wife, a daughter and sister.